Time, what is time????????? Is your own preocupation on something specific, on something you are interested the most, that you don't want to leave it for anything else?!?
Well, i think that it is!!! At least that is what happend with me.
The reason i haven't shared anything else on my blog, even on my FutureArts facebook page for so long, it's because i had a more interest on my daily basis activites... and that, is music... YEAH... practice practice practice!!!
But actually, i want to find out from you, my few hundred readers, what "time" means to you, and how do you coop with it.
I recently been structed by people arround me telling me they don't have time anymore for nothing else except their primary target, not even for the normal "hey i am not a robot, i have to take a break".
Please, i wanna know, WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT TO YOU, on your daily basis, to do.
What is i have/have not time for...?!? in your opinion.
For that, i am going to reward you with three musical master pieces composed by three Nordic composers:
Jean Sibelius ( Finland ) - Karelia suit
Carl Nielsen (Danmark) - Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra
Edward Grieg (Norway) - Two elegiac melodies
Pefrorming live, is the Holland Radio Kamer Filharmonie.
I hope you all have TIME to enjoy it!!!
Till next time: ARTING EVERYBODY!!! :D