The not so cool part is that i allways have to be capable to wright, to post something interesting...
The most interesting part is...
Yeah! that is it!...
The question for most people: - Are you living an interesting life that you can talk about and as well bring something new and meaningfull to a certain group of people?
Sorround yourself with arts and you will have that... that something interesting in your life!!!
Time, what is time????????? Is your own preocupation on something specific, on something you are interested the most, that you don't want to leave it for anything else?!?
Well, i think that it is!!! At least that is what happend with me.
The reason i haven't shared anything else on my blog, even on my FutureArts facebook page for so long, it's because i had a more interest on my daily basis activites... and that, is music... YEAH... practice practice practice!!!
But actually, i want to find out from you, my few hundred readers, what "time" means to you, and how do you coop with it.
I recently been structed by people arround me telling me they don't have time anymore for nothing else except their primary target, not even for the normal "hey i am not a robot, i have to take a break".
Please, i wanna know, WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT TO YOU, on your daily basis, to do.
What is i have/have not time for...?!? in your opinion.
For that, i am going to reward you with three musical master pieces composed by three Nordic composers: